


For some people, its hard to elaborate their flaws and some maybe at what they’re good at.  But if I am to ask you, how many times  have you criticized yourself for the things you’re bad at, feel not confident enough with or just with basically anything that correlates with your insecurities?


I myself, have more than I can remember. You, see almost everybody does. All I can think of is that maybe instead of hearing from other people things that we don’t want to hear or that might hurt us, better be we be the ones to tell it to ourselves. For me, in some way, when I judge myself, I somehow feel a lot inclined or prepped before I hear some of those behind closed doors. I admit, subsequently though, I feel guilty about it. I feel down and discouraged by my thoughts. I don’t know if this could be identified as pessimism or of some kind. Maybe I’m just too coward to face the things that fears me or maybe I care too much about what other people think instead of focusing on the things that I’m good at,moreover, probably.  But this just shows greater dominance of what other people might think more than loving myself. I have to embrace these  unsatisfactory qualities I have and offer more time improving these perhaps, a lot better than prepping up my feelings in a way, I’ll feel more bad at later.  The whole thing about criticizing ourselves does not do any better, it just holes down our self love and confidence in general. If we look at ourselves, remember that little girl or boy inside you. What once a carefree kid, wrapped up with innocence about the world, now is troubled by thoughts. Imagine talking to yourself, to that kid inside you, would you be able to afford to say that?

Deep down we’re all gifted variably and we do not need to have a comparison with other people and at what they’re good at just to know we’re good enough. Much more it is insignificant for other peoples validations to interfere with this. You be you, they be them. We are worthy of our own and the rawness of our heart. We are not made up by other people’s thoughts, we are in charge of our own. Self love comes from accepting whats within and embracing ourselves


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